Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My first post!

My first post! How exciting! I know that this will probably not be read by others..which I am kinda glad about. I am solely writing this as an outlet for what is happening in my life and the struggles I face everyday. There will be misspellings and incorrect English and punctuation...but hey I was a Bio major, not English!
I have read as many other farmer's wives blogs that I could find and as wonderful, supportive, and positive they all where, the one thing i found common among them all is that they don't talk about how hard it is to be a farmer's wife.
I married into the farm. I was raised by a teacher and a nurse, and had strong values instilled in me. I know what hard work and working hard means, but I didn't understand it then the way i do now.
Just recently my husband was deeded the farm by his grandfather. What a wonderful gift we have been given. We could not be more fortunate or grateful for this, and we appreciate it more then anyone can know. BUT what we weren't expecting were all the "extras" that came with it. The new list of bills. The new understanding of "the books" (I am still trying to figure it out). The new responsibility of being a property owner and dealing with renting ground to other farmers. It's hard and confusing and REALLY frustrating at times to the point I feel like saying "I signed up for what?!" BUT I love my husband more then anything and know that this is what I am supposed to do.
I struggle everyday to be the best wife and homemaker I can be. I feel like I fall short way more then I succeed. But I know my husband sees that it is all new to me and he is so forgiving and most of the time supportive. It is hard to work full time, 15 hour days of patient care, and then come home and try to keep giving. Chad has been so wonderful on my long days to have something to eat when I get home, or just be understanding that I have nothing left to give and need alone time.  I have to work even harder on my off days to do the things around the house that don't get done when I am working. Its like I am not present for 48 hours and have to make up for lost time.
Speaking of working hard to get things done, today is my last day off before I go back for 2 days and I need to get things in order. Errands need to be done, laundry is calling, and maybe some daily chores I have missed.
I am not sure what is supposed to be written in a blog....hopefully this is about it. to whomever reads this and doesn't find it ridiculous, thanks! All others, oh well!

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